Creating a good, loving environment and energy during this journey is essential. It will help you make it through the ups and downs you undoubtedly will experience. It will help you to laugh when you feel like crying and move when you only want to lay around. Here are a few ways to create that good loving, environment and energy that we all need.
When you begin, continue and/or live this journey to weight loss and wellness there are a few things you should do. One of the first things you want to be sure of is that you have a good support system. That support can come from yourself, your friends and family and quite often new acquaintances. You may also find that you have a couple of naysayers in the midst, as well. You’ll need to be strong and keep the naysayers at arms length.
Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. Find others who may be on the same journey or who may have already had success on this journey. It is wonderful when you have a cheerleader or a group of cheerleaders to keep you going!
My support system: EVERYONE! LOL! I made it my business to talk about my goals, share the information and surround myself with ONLY supportive, encouraging people. I also held fast to my matter what everyone else was doing around me.
As you begin your journey and you start to see success you WILL also inspire others. People will begin to ask what you are doing? How did you get there? You’ll begin to get compliments and you’ll have a few that follow you with a very watchful eye. Just be aware that you WILL inspire others and people will watch what you do. You’ll be amazed at how you might help to change someone else and help them become a healthier person just by living a healthier, happier life yourself. What could be better than inspiring others to live a better life by being the example! Never underestimate the power of inspiring others and how GOOD it makes YOU feel.
Also, be sure to find your own inspiration. Photos of a smaller you or someone you aspire to be like are great choices. Post them where you can see them so that they inspire you every day!
My inspiration story: Wow! Who knew. I can look around me on any given day and see someone I husband, my friends and fitbookers! At our annual retreats I noticed that since I began this journey several years ago the ladies eat far less junk food than they once did and that healthy snacks are in tow. My neighbors often ask me for advice and I have watched as the fitbookers have lost a wonderful 414 lbs this year! Nothing is better than when someone tells me that I have inspired them to try harder, to eat healthier, to lose weight. It is one of the greatest gifts! It melts my heart!
As for my personal inspiration, I used pictures from my younger days and also pictures of me at my highest weight...a weight I didn't want to be. I posted the photos of me at my highest weight on the refrigerator to help keep me away!
As you reach each goal be sure to honor and thank those who support you and have helped you along the way. Surely, some of those people will not be aware of the things they did that may have kept you sane or on the right track or simply made you feel good about yourself. You need to thank them! Remember those around you who willingly support you and go along for the ride! Thank those family members whose lives may change, as you change yours. Send notes, give them a call, a hug. Just be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them. Always practice the act of being grateful for all of the love, support and “gifts” you are given.
My honor story: If you know me then you know I’m always thanking/acknowledging someone! I did it here:
It is important to reward yourself along the way. Set smaller goals to reach your bigger goal and celebrate as you hit each goal! Do something nice for flowers, a new blouse, a piece of jewelry, treat yourself to a movie..the possibilities are endless. Whatever it may be, be sure to celebrate your achievements. However, don’t just celebrate yourself celebrate others too! Compliment your friends who join you on this journey. Celebrate their successes too.
Remember you are creating a good, loving environment and energy to help you along the journey. The energy needs to be constantly flowing to you and from you. What goes around, comes around! A word of genuine. Be thoughtful, be aware and you’ll be amazed at all the wonderful love and support that flow around you!
My celebration story: Celebrate..did someone say celebrate? LOL! That’s my middle name. I love to celebrate. I rewarded myself for every pound I lost with money! LOL! Hey, I needed a new wardrobe when I reached my goal! And you know I've been shopping my a** off!!!
I have celebrated others, as well. I always acknowledge others achievements! I give out weekly rewards on Fitbooking, I compliment friends on looking good and replacing bad habits with better healthier habits.
However, there is someone I truly need to celebrate and acknowledge and that is my husband! He truly came along on this journey with me and HE HAS BEEN A PHENOMENAL SUPPORT AND A PHENOMENAL EXAMPLE OF WHAT joining the journey could do for you. He easily decided to change his diet to follow mine, he easily decided to start working out with me and take the classes, I take. He easily said, yes...I support you, I love you and I encourage you. Along the way, he changed his lifestyle and improved his health! And I could not be prouder or happier! So today, I celebrate ROBERT! Congratulations on your success!!! YOU ROCK!
Here’s proof:
Robert lost a total of 45 lbs and he sure does look good in this tshirt...according to me! *Real Men Wear Scraps of Color T-shirts! LOL! I know my girls will appreciate this one! LOL!
I was unaware at the time but he was pre-diabetic before I started my journey. My change not only saved my life...but it saved his too!
So go ahead, make your journey and take along someone you love!!!
You are BOTH so worth it!